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Hab.—South Island: Hector's Col, Mount Aspiring Range. Alt. 5,000 feet—Buchanan and McKay, 1881. On open ridgey patches where the snows melt in summer. Allied to V. bidwillii in size and form of leaves, but entirely different in their fascicular arrangement, and the absence of flowering racemes. Named in compliment to the distinguished botanist Baron von Müeller. Plate XXXII., fig. 1, plant nat. size; 2, flower; 3, capsule; 4, capsule, with pistil; 5, different forms of leaf. Notes on the genus Veronica.—This beautiful family of plants has suffered much by the settlement of the Lake districts, few being now seen on the river flats where they were once abundant. A few collected previously in 1862 were not seen at this time, although it is probable they may still be found in the more inaccessible parts of the mountains. The large ornamental shrub, Veronica cupressoides, once abundant, and often cultivated in gardens, is now rare. The alpine forms are apparently safe, being chiefly found on barren ground with a sparse vegetation where fires do not run. The highest altitude to which any of this genus reaches was on Mount Alta, where Veronica buchanani was collected at 7,500 feet. The following is a list of those collected at this time:—Veronica haastii, V. buxifolia, V. pimeleoides, V. buchanani, V. canescens, V. linifolia, V. salicifolia, V. ligustri-folia, V. macrantha, V. bidwillii, V. raoulii, V. tetragona, V. hectori, V. colensoi, V. lævis. Pygmea ciliolata, Hook. fil. A hoary moss-like plant, 1 inch high, forming compacted patches on the ground. Branches with the leaves on ⅕ inch diameter. Leaves densely imbricate, ⅛ inch long, obovate and rounded at top, entire, ciliate on the margins and nearly glabrous on both surfaces, 1-veined. Flowers 1/10-⅛ inch long, terminal on the branches. Sepals shorter than the corolla tube. Hab.—Mount Alta, 6,000 feet alt.—Buchanan and McKay, 1881. Plate XXXII., fig. 1, plant nat. size; 1 a, flower, enlarged 4/1; 1 b, leaf enlarged 6/1. Pygmea pulvinaris, Hook. fil. A white very hoary moss-like plant, 1 inch high, forming compacted patches on the ground. Branches with the leaves on ⅛ inch diameter. Leaves densely imbricate 1/10 inch long, narrow linear oblong, obtuse, upper half covered on both surfaces with white hairs, 1-veined. Flowers shortly peduncled, sepals linear, obtuse, nearly as long as the corolla tube. Hab.—Mount Alta, 6,000 feet alt.—Buchanan and McKay, 1881. Plate XXXII., fig. 2, plant nat. size; 2 a, flower enlarged 4/1; 2 b, c, leaves enlarged 5/1.