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moderate, in female more elongate, costa moderately arched, hindmargin obliquely rounded, in female very faintly sinuate; whitish, mixed with grey, with fine scattered irregular blackish strigulæ throughout; basal patch greyer, ill-defined, outer edge irregularly angulated in middle, marked by a somewhat stronger black strigula; central fascia moderate, ill-defined, fuscous-grey, running from before middle of costa to ⅔ of inner margin, edges very irregular, anterior edge rather deeply emarginate above and below middle, towards inner margin partially obsolete; four small subquadrate fuscous-grey spots on costa towards apex, in female giving rise to confused very irregularly reticulated fuscous-grey lines proceeding obliquely to hindmargin: cilia grey-whitish, basal third within a dark grey line whitish barred with dark grey. Hindwings grey, paler in female, spotted with darker; cilia whitish, with a grey basal line. This species appears to be the only one with a crested thorax, but it does not seem necessary at present to separate it on that account; it cannot be confused with any other. A pair taken on sandhills near Christchurch, in March; I have seen several others from the same locality, taken in November and December. 11. Harm. oblongana, Walk. (Teras oblongana, Walk., Brit. Mus. Cat., 303, (Cacoecia) Meyr., Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 1881, 489; Teras inaptana, Walk., Brit. Mus. Cat., 304; Teras cuneigera, Butl., Cist. Ent., II., 559.) Minor, alis ant. griseis, interdum ochreo-suffusis, area basali, fascia media abbreviata cum macula costæ triangulari confluente, macula anguli analis, alteraque marginis postici parva saturatioribus, striga disci nigra; post. griseis. Male, female.—15–19 mm. Head and thorax greyish-fuscous or grey; palpi rather elongate. Forewings moderately broad, posteriorly dilated in male, costa moderately arched, hindmargin sinuate, slightly or not oblique; grey or ochreous-grey, with indistinct darker strigulæ; basal patch somewhat darker, outer edge marked by a dark strigula, very irregularly angulated above middle; central fascia moderate, varying from grey to dark reddish-fuscous, running from before middle of costa to ⅔ of inner margin, generally obsolete on lower half, anterior edge well-defined on upper half, posterior edge suffused; an ill-defined grey or fuscous-grey blotch on costa about ⅔, often uniting with upper half of central fascia to form a large triangular blotch; often a slender blackish longitudinal line in disc on central fascia, and in female the central fascia sometimes mixed with brownish-ochreous, especially above this line; a very indistinct blotch on anal angle, sometimes confluent with the costal blotch; a small dark spot on hind