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scales, distant on lower stem; cauline 4, nearly equidistant, much longer than flower, 5in.-8in. long, ¾in. broad at middle, linear-lanceolate, acute very thin, sessile, clasping, much and reticulately veined, light-green. Perianth large sub 2in.; segments rather loosely spreading, richly variegated with bright-red dark-green and fawn colours, the upper portions of segments brilliant red; largely veined; veins very prominent. Dorsal sepal large, acuminate, slightly tailed; lateral sepals connate, erect, largely spreading above and behind dorsal, tails long; sinus very broad, base emarginate; lateral petals loose from dorsal sepal, their tips very acute, not tailed; tongue linear-lanceolate, 2 lines wide, veined, reddish, minutely and thickly papillose; tip obtuse, thickish and slightly knobbed; appendage long, curved, fimbriate. Column long, wings broad, auricles long wide rounded, two subulate horns arising from outer angles shorter than the column, the margin between them slightly erose; stigma large, wider than column. Hab. - Near Mount Tongariro, County of East Taupo; 1889: Mr. H. Hill. 2. Pt. auriculata, sp. nov. Plant erect, glabrous, shining, 10in.-12in. high; stems bright-red. Leaves: basal 0; cauline 4, lanceolate very acuminate, 5in.-7in. long, ½in. wide, sheathing at base, pale-green, midrib reddish. Perianth 1½in. long, narrow, graceful, green with a reddish tint. Dorsal sepal and lateral petals narrow, sub-ovate, sharply acuminate, not tailed; lateral sepals erect, connate, sinus large, lobes narrow, long, spreading, tailed—tails nearly 1in. long; tongue dark-red, linear-oblong, sub 1in. long, 2 lines wide, middle nerve stout, flexuous, with 4 flexuous longitudinal veins on each side, the tip truncate and slightly bifid; appendage wide, shortly curved, coarsely fimbriate. Column long, slender, wings produced upwards in subulate tips nearly 1 line long, with very long and narrow auricles 2½ lines long, their tips closely and finely fringed. Ovary slender, somewhat linear, lin. long, reddish. Hab. Open fern land, Fortrose, Invercargill; 1889. 3. Pt. polyphylla, sp. nov. Plant light-green, very slender, erect, 7in–9in. high. Leaves very membranous, veined, reticulations large somewhat in squares; basal 6–7, forming a sub-rosette, oblong and oblongovate, 1in. long, petioled; petioles tapering, membranous, ½in. long; cauline 6–7, sub-erect, narrow oblong or obovate, ¾in.—½in. long, equidistant on stem, the lower petiolate; petioles long, ¾in.; the upper sessile, sheathing at base. Perianth pale-green, 1½in. long, rather narrow, very membranous,