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Auckland Institute. First Meeting: 10th June, 1889. This meeting took the shape of a microscopical conversazione. Over fifty instruments were exhibited, and there was a large attendance of members and their friends. Second Meeting: 8th July, 1889. Professor A. P. Thomas, Vice-president, in the chair.

New Members.—J. C. Blythe, Captain Colbeck, G. C. Munro, A. A. Partridge, Rev. R. Scott West. Professor F. D. Brown gave a popular lecture on “Alloys,” with experimental illustrations.

Third Meeting: 22nd July, 1889. Professor A. P. Thomas, Vice-president, in the chair. New Members.—T. Humphries, Dr. Roberton, F. Grosch.

Papers.—1. “Notice of the Discovery of an Old Maori Wooden Comb on the Great Barrier Island,” by H. Winkelmann. Abstract. In January, 1889, while exploring a cave on the Great Barrier Island, the author found an antique wooden comb, evidently of Maori origin; and he now exhibited it to the Institute. The cave is situated on the shore of the inner harbour, at Port Fitzroy, and is about 300yds. inland from the extremity of a small peninsula jutting into the harbour. It is about 100ft. above the level of the beach, and is surrounded by forest. Evidently it was used by the Maoris as a burial-place, for it contains many human bones in a good state of preservation. Mixed with the bones are the decayed remnants of some fibrous substance—perhaps flax matting. It was while searching among this debris that the comb was found. The author had been informed that previous visitors to the cave had brought away stone axes, fish-hooks, and a few greenstone ornaments; so that possibly a careful examination would bring to light other curiosities. 2. “Notes on Great Barrier Island,” by S. Weetman, F.R.G.S. (Transactions, p. 79.) 3. “A Mysterious Therapeutic Agent,” by E. A. Mackechnie. (Transactions, p. 119.)