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Psepholax sulcatus, White, Voy. “Erebus” and “Terror,” Insects, p. 15, pl. 3, fig. 1; Broun, Man. Coleopt. N.Z., p. 479. Psepholax femoratus, Broun, Man. Coleopt. N.Z., p. 481 Aldonus hylobioides, White, Voy. “Erebus” and “Terror,” Insects, p. 16, pl. 3, fig. 9; Broun, Man. Coleopt. N.Z., p. 483. White mentions that in Captain Parry's collection there is a small specimen not half the size of the type, and differing somewhat from it in marking, having a waved black line on the side of each elytron. In this collection from Chatham Islands there is also a great difference in the size of the specimens. In three the length is 12 mm., in another it is 10 mm., in another 9 mm., and in another only 7 mm. I can see no difference in colour, and there are no black marks on the elytra. Acalles fougeri, species nova. Subovate, black, covered with scales, except a median band on the thorax and elytra. The scales on each border of the nude band are black, those on the sides of the thorax and elytra and on the legs pale-yellowish white, variegated with black. Length (without rostrum), 8–10 mm. Apparently allied to A. pascoei, but easily recognised by its colours. The antennœ are piceous, inserted at about one-fourth from the apex of the rostrum; the scape is slightly curved and clavate, it reaches nearly to the eyes; the first two joints of the funiculus are about as long as the other five together, the club ovate. Rostrum black, moderately curved, the front strongly punctate. Eyes moderate, ovate. Head covered with black scales except a spot over each eye and a mark on the forehead, which are pale dirty yellow. Thorax longer than broad, the front constricted, the non-constricted portion slightly transverse; the base not much sinuated; the nude middle portion smooth; the sides covered with pale-yellowish scales, among which are some dark ones forming three indeterminate longitudinal lines. Scutellum invisible. Elytra ovate, without any shoulders, broader than the thorax, their apices much bent down; very coarsely pitted in longitudinal rows, the interstices finely granulated; two rows of pits on the nude portion of each elytron and about five more rows which are covered with scales. The scales on the sides of the elytra are pale-yellowish, with dark scales in the pits. Abdomen with the first two abdominal sterna very broad, the next two very narrow; all clothed with pale scales. Legs robust, covered with pale scales and transverse bands of fuscous scales on the femora and tibiæ; tarsi black. The type is in the Canterbury Museum, Christchurch.