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passes into orange, then yellow, green, blue, and violet. But between forty thousand vibrations in a second and four hundred millions of millions we have no organ of sense capable of receiving the impression. Yet between these limits any number of sensations may exist. We have five senses, and sometimes fancy that no others are possible. But it is obvious that we cannot measure the infinite by our own narrow limitations. “Moreover, looking at the question from the other side, we find in animals complex organs of sense richly supplied with nerves, but the function of which we are as yet powerless to explain. There may be fifty other senses as different from ours as sound is from sight; and even within the boundaries of our own senses there may be endless sounds which we cannot hear, and colours, as different as red from green, of which we have no conception. These and a thousand other questions remain for solution. The familiar world which surrounds us may be a totally different place to other animals. To them it may be full of music which we cannot hear, of colour which we cannot see, of sensations which we cannot conceive. To place stuffed birds and beasts in glass cases, to arrange insects in cabinets and dry plants in drawers, is merely the drudgery and preliminary of study; to watch their habits, to understand their relations to one another, to study their instincts and intelligence, to ascertain their adaptations and their relations to the forces of nature, to realise what the world appears to them—these constitute, as it seems to me at least, the true interest of natural history, and may even give us the clue to senses and perceptions of which at present we have no conception.”

Art. III.—Notes on the Comet of April, May, and June, 1901.. By G. V. Hudson [Read before the Wellington Philosophical Society, 25th June, 1901.] Plate I. My wife and I simultaneously saw this comet from Karori on the morning of the 25th April, at 5.25 a.m. It was then rising behind the eastern ranges, and was sufficiently bright to be conspicuous as a distinct streak of light through some light cirrus cloud in the sky at the time. At about 5.40 it rose clear of the cirrus, and its brightness was so great that I was much surprised that it had not been reported as previously observed. A cablegram announcing that it had been seen in