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Hochstetter, Ferd. von Report of a Geological Exploration of the Coalfields in the Hunua and Drury Districts, in the Province of Auckland N.Z. Gazette, Nos. 9–12, 1859. The Pakawau Coalfields Nelson Gazette, vii. No. 20, 97, 1859. Ueber die Vulkane Neu Seeland, Ausland, No. 46, 1859. Dunit, Korniger Olivinfels von Dun Mountain bei Nelson Deutsch. Geol. Gesellsch. Zeitschr. xvi. 341, 1864. Tabellarische Ueberschecht der gemengten Massengesteine, Neu Seeland Neues Jahrb. Mineral. 697, 1864. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Neu Seelandischen Nephrit (Punamu der Maoris) Wien Akad. Sitz. xlix. 466, 480, 1864; Wien Anzeiger, i. 82, 1864. Der Franz-Joseph Gletscher in der Sudlichen Alpen Neu Seelands Ausland, 1867; Wien Mitt. Geog. Gesell. (abth.) 57, 1868. New Zealand: its Physical Geography, Geology, and Natural History. (Translated by Sauter) Stuttgart, 1867. Geologie von Neu - Seeland: Beitrage zur Geologie der Provinzen Auckland und Nelson “Novara” Exp. Geolog. Theil, i. band, 1 abth.; Neues Jahrb. Mineralog. 874, 1865. Ueber den Ban der Vulkane auf Neu Seeland Ausland, 1865. Palæontologie von Neu Seeland. By Unger, Zittel, Suess, Karrer, Stoliczka, Stache, and Jaeger Reise der “Novara,” 2 abth. 1864. Hochstetter, Ferd. von, and Mundy, D.L. Rotomahana and the Boiling Springs of New Zealand: Sixteen Views and Descriptive Notes Review in Nature, Oct. 21, 532, 1875. Hochstetter, Ferd. von, and Petermann, A. The Geology of New Zealand, in Explanation of the Geographical and Topographical Atlas of New Zealand. (Translated by Dr. C. F. Fischer) Auckland, 1864. Holland, Philip Analysis of Hauraki Rhyolite Quart. Jrnl. Geol. Soc. iv. 467. Hunter, Ashley Direct Evidence of a Change in the Elevation of the Walkato District. Trans. xvi. 459. Hutton, Captain F.W. On the Lower Waikato District Rep. N.Z. Geol. Surv. 1867. On the Thames Goldfields Ditto. On the Geology of the Island of Pakihi Trans. i. 113; i. n.e. 167. Notes on the Basin of Te Tarata, Rotomahana Trans. i. 162; i. n.e. 106.