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80.B. scholaea Meyr., Trans N.Z. Inst. 1883, 35. Whangarei, Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch, Dunedin, Invercargill. Larva in a subterranean tube on roots of trees 81.B. pseudospretella Staint., Cat. Brit. Tin. 14; Meyr., Trans. N Z. Inst. 1883, 34. North and South Islands, Chatham Islands; common in houses; introduced from Europe, but of doubtful origin. Larva on seeds and dry refuse. 18.Compsistis Meyr. Compsistis Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst. xx, 89 (1888); type, bifaciella Walk. Antennae as long as forewings, basal joint without pecten. Hindwings elongate-ovate. Endemic. 82.C. bifaciella Walk., Cat. xxix, 657; Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1887, 90. Whangarei, Auckland, Wellington. 19.Thamnosara Meyr. Thamnosara Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst. xvi, 27 (1884); type, sublitella Walk. Basal joint of antennae without pecten. Second joint of labial palpi with projecting tuft of scales beneath. Hindwings elongate-ovate. Also endemic. 83.T. sublitella Walk., Cat. xxix, 654; chirista Meyr., Trans. N Z. Inst. 1883, 27. Whangarei, Wellington, Christchurch, Mount Arthur (to 4,000 ft.). 20.Gymnobathra Meyr. Gymnobathra Meyr., Proc Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales vii, 425 (1883); type, flavidella Walk. Basal joint of antennae without pecten. Forewings with 2 rather remote from angle. Hindwings elongate-ovate. Endemic. 84.G. philadelpha Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1883, 33. Mount Hutt. 85.G. hyetodes Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1883, 32. Kaeo, Wellington. 86.G. habropis Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1887, 80. Nelson. 87.G. hamatella Walk., Cat. xxix, 700; Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1883, 31. Nelson, Christchurch, Akaroa. 88.G. flavidella Walk., Cat. xxix, 655; Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1883, 31: utuella Feld, Reis. Nov. pl. cxl, 46. Whangarei, Auckland, Taranaki, Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch. 89 G. sarcoxantha Meyr, Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1883, 29. Christchurch, Dunedin.