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being larger than the others. There are smaller riblets in the interstices, including those on the siphonal groove and a wide space between it and the next posterior large rib. Colour: Above bluish-grey, the ribs nearly white. Apex corroded. Interior bluish-brown, the margin darker, and with numerous white cross-bands opposite the ribs. Length, 17.3 mm. Breadth behind siphonal groove, 13.2 mm. Height, 5 mm. The type specimen of this subspecies differs considerably from that of the typical subspecies, but intermediate forms which might be referable to either are common, so that I could not divide them satisfactorily into two groups, hence the present arrangement under one species. S. cheesemani also in some of its forms approaches the subspecies perplexa. Habitat.—Living on rocks near low-water mark, Sunday Island. Siphonaria amphibia n. sp. Fig. 44. Description of Type Specimen.—Shell small, ovate, narrowed in front, conoidal, height 0.35 of length. Apex behind the centre, anterior slope slightly curved, posterior slope straight. Margin irregular, siphonal groove slightly projecting. Sculpture: The upper half of the shell corroded. Margin with about 25 scarcely raised radiating ribs. Colour brown, the ribs white. Interior black, the margin crossed by white bands opposite the ribs. Length, 7.8 mm. Breadth, 6.2 mm. Height, 2.7 mm. Variations from Type.—Most of the shells have the interior entirely black, and in many the entire upper surface is corroded. Habitat.—This little species was found living in crevices and irregularities of rocks near high-water mark at Fleetwood Bluff, Sunday Island. In size, appearance, and habits it resembles some small species of Acmaea which occur in similar situations in New Zealand. Gadinia conica Angas Gadinia conica Angas, Pro. Zool. Soc., 1867, 115, 1868. Recorded, Iredale, Pro. Mal. Soc., ix, 71, 1910. Habitat.—Living on rocks between tide-marks, Sunday Island. Distribution.—New Zealand, Australia. Helicarion kermadecensis (Smith). Vitrina kermadecensis E. A. Smith, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), xi, 288, 1873. Recorded, E. A. Smith, l.c. Habitat.—Living on the under-surfaces of the leaves of the nikau palm (Rhopalostylis Baueri) on the summit of Moumoukai, the highest point of Sunday Island. Found only during wet weather, October. 1908. Also found living under dead leaves on the ground. Ptychodon royanus Iredale. Ptychodon royanus Iredale, Pro. Mal. Soc., x, 377, 1913. Recorded, Iredale, l.c. Habitat.—Living on the moss-covered trunks of trees, Sunday Island.