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greenish, metanotum black. Basal two or three abdominal segments black; remainder pale-reddish. Frons yellowish, with an area on each side of median ridge and whole of clypeus reddish—distinctly delimited. Tibiae usually with black proximal and distal bands. Tegmina hyaline. Veins brownish, darker at tips, with distinct black macrotrichia. An interrupted, more or less double and very variable brownish fascia obliquely transverse at a little past a third (sometimes practically obsolete). Stigma fuscous, margined with whitish. Genitalia fuscous. Medio-ventral projection of pygophor prominent. Genital styles with the blade bent sharply at right angles to stalk. Apex of peculiar shape, as shown in Plate 21, figs. 7, 8. Aedeagus with three hooks at base of membranous portion, two of the hooks twisted together in a characteristic manner (Plate 21, figs. 7, 8). ♀. Length, 4.8 mm; tegmen, 5.4 mm. Less brightly coloured than male. Disc of mesonotum between lateral cannae entirely greenish. Distal half of abdomen with indications of a median black longitudinal mark. Ovipositor pale-brownish, long and slender. Described from fifty-three males and thirty-nine females. Apparently throughout North Island. Holotype and allotype: Myers collection, Department of Agriculture. This is essentially a bush-, shrub-, and tree-frequenting species. Koroana arthuria n. sp. (Plate 22, figs. 1–4.) ♂. Length, 4 mm.; tegmen, 4.6 mm. Close to the preceding species, but distinguished by the stouter and more depressed form, shorter tegmina, and darker colour and more abundant pruinosity on both sexes, and also by the following characters: Tegmen with a semicircular fuscous patch on fore-border between one-third and half-way. This is always present, even in the paler forms, and furnishes a means of distinction at first glance. Hooks of aedeagus less twisted, and other genital differences as shown in Plate 22, fig. 4. ♀. Length, 4.5 mm.; tegmen, 4.9 mm. Colour paler than that of male. Ventral surface of abdomen black. Described from twenty-two males and fifteen females. Trio Islands, Cook Strait (R. J. Tillyard); Mount Arthur (A. Philpott); Arthur's Pass (R. J. Tillyard, J. W. Campbell, W. G. Howes, I. H. aud J. G. Myers) Waitati, Otago (C. E. Clarke); Queenstown (W. G. Howes). These are all South Island localities. The Trio Islands form is consistently smaller and lighter in colour than the type (Arthur's Pass), but I can find no structural differences. Holotype and allotype: Myers collection, Department of Agriculture. This species was reared in large numbers from nymphs beneath stones at Arthur's Pass. Small ants were also present, but myrmecophily was not definitely established. Genus 3. Semo Buchanan White. Type: S. clypeatus Buchanan White. Buchanan White's description is good, except that the head, including eyes, is not as wide as pronotum. There is, therefore, no need to redescribe the genus, especially as its salient distinguishing features are incorporated in the generic key. The male genitalia approach those of the New Zealand species of Cixius, but are very much less armed.